
OTC trading provides enhanced privacy and tailored service, enabling confidential transactions away from public order books. With access to greater liquidity and reduced slippage, OTC is ideal for executing large trades efficiently while minimizing market impact. Direct price negotiation offers flexibility, making it advantageous for institutions and high-volume traders. Swift execution and minimized manipulation risk further contribute to OTC’s appeal.

Unique Digital Assets is licensed to provide wallet and custody services under the Financial Corporate Services Providers Act and is also licensed as a Digital Asset Business under the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges (DARE) Act. For both licenses, UDA is regulated by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas, ensuring compliance with all relevant legal and industry standards.

We’re here to assist you with any questions, concerns or information you need. Feel free to choose the communication channel that suits you best.
To get in touch with us, you can reach out through the following methods:

Email: Send your inquiries to info@uniquedigitalassets.io

Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on our website www.uniquedigitalassets.io with your details and questions.
Social Media: Reach out to us on our social media platforms: Linkedin

Our services are accessible to a wide range of individuals and entities. Those eligible to open an account with us include:
– Ultra/High-Net-Worth Individuals: Individuals with substantial crypto holdings or high trading volumes can take advantage of our tailored services.
– Financial Institutions: Institutional investors, such as hedge funds, family offices, and asset management firms.
– Corporate Accounts: Businesses looking to engage in cryptocurrency transactions or manage their digital assets.
We strive to provide a diverse and inclusive environment for various types of users, catering to both individuals and institutional clients. Feel free to reach out to us for more information on the account opening process and eligibility criteria.

***Kindly note that we are not currently accepting clients from the United States of America.

A monthly statement is sent to you by email.
UDA is bound by Bahamian law (DARE Act) to take steps to ensure that it is not involved in the facilitation of money laundering or terrorist financing. Our company policy has a zero tolerance toward money laundering and terrorist financing. Several AML measures are in place to articulate our commitment to detecting, preventing and reporting any attempt to use our financial services to launder money, finance illegal activities or commit fraud. As such, Unique takes seriously the matters of AML training, trends, strong internal policies and an overall strong culture of compliance.
Wallet scam through phishing is a common way to steal your coins. Whenever possible, save (white label) the wallets you regularly send coins to and always double check if they are still valid. When double checking the wallet address, please check all and not only the beginning or end of the wallet address.


5 step process to allow you to trade with us:

  1. Open an account
  2. Fund your account
  3. Request a quote
  4. Trade
  5. Receive your funds via settlement
There is no minimum trading volume required for trading. Our goal is to provide flexibility and accessibility to traders with varying preferences and needs.
Prior to making any digital asset deposits, we strongly advise all clients to first contact our trading desk to obtain the accurate wallet address for the intended cryptocurrency. This step is essential to ensure the security and integrity of your transactions. Please reach out to our trading desk through telegram or email to request the appropriate wallet address before proceeding with any deposits. This proactive measure helps prevent potential errors and ensures a smooth deposit experience. Your security and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way.

The security of the trading process is of paramount importance to us. We implement a range of rigorous security measures to safeguard your assets and ensure a secure trading environment (encryption, multi-Factor authentication (MFA), cold storage, regular security audits, compliance, user verification, responsible partnerships). We are committed to providing a secure and reliable trading experience and we continuously invest in improving our security protocols to stay ahead of emerging threats. Your trust and security are our top priorities.

We offer a wide range of popular and widely-traded digital assets for trading. For more detailed information regarding the specific assets available for trading, we encourage all clients to reach out to UDA. For transparency reasons, we do not trade privacy tokens such as Monero, Zcash, Dash, etc.
We support trading with two major fiat currencies: USD (United States Dollar) and EUR (Euro). Other fiat currencies can be handled through our banking partners. If you’re seeking information about additional fiat currencies, please contact the trading desk for more details.
The settlement time for trades can vary based on factors such as the specific assets being traded and the trading volume involved. Generally, settlements are processed within 24 hours, ensuring swift completion of transactions. However, in certain cases, particularly for very large volumes or specific assets, settlement times might extend to up to 48 hours to ensure accuracy and security in the process. We strive to expedite settlements whenever possible while prioritizing the integrity of each transaction.
While Unique will occasionally provide high level insights into the digital asset space, this will be solely for educational purposes and does not constitute advice. Any services executed by Unique will be done at the sole direction and discretion of the client.


To send your assets to custody, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact UDA: Reach out to UDA to inform us of your intent to send assets to custody.
  2. Request Wallet Address: Request a wallet address from UDA where you can send your assets.
  3. Receive Wallet Address: UDA will provide you with a unique wallet address for the specific assets you’re sending.
  4. Initiate Asset Transfer: Transfer your assets from your current wallet or exchange to the provided wallet address.
  5. Confirm Deposit: After sending the assets, provide UDA with the transaction ID (txID) or any other required details to confirm the deposit.
  6. Verification: UDA verifies the deposit and ensures that the assets are securely stored in custody.
  7. Receive Confirmation: Once UDA confirms the deposit, they will provide you with confirmation of the successful asset transfer to custody.

Please ensure that you accurately follow the instructions provided by the company and verify all details before initiating the asset transfer. This process helps ensure the secure and accurate storage of your assets in custody. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to UDA for guidance

Your assets are safe in the cold storage.

Cold storage is a highly secure method of storing cryptocurrencies offline using Multi Party Computation (MPC), which greatly reduces the risk of online hacking or unauthorized access. By keeping your assets in cold storage, we ensure that they are protected from potential online threats.
We also use a strong back-up solution to store the private key. Our priority is to maintain the highest level of security to safeguard your assets and provide you with peace of mind.

Withdrawing funds from cold storage is typically a secure and efficient process. In most cases, withdrawals are processed within 24 hours. This ensures that your assets are accessible while maintaining the highest level of security provided by cold storage. Our goal is to provide you with a seamless experience and prompt access to your funds, while also prioritizing the safety of your assets. If you have any specific inquiries about the withdrawal process or timing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our client support for more details.


In order to stake your coins, you’ll have to custody them with us and request the staking via the staking form and opt-in.
We do not have any minimum amount for staking however we will follow the minimum amount set by the node operators or blockchain networks.
The staking rewards are earned on a monthly basis.
Staking rewards are calculated and distributed within blockchain networks that use a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. In PoS, participants, often referred to as “validators” lock up a certain amount of their cryptocurrency as collateral to validate transactions and secure the network. In return for their contributions, they receive staking rewards, which are transaction fees paid within the network. Those staking rewards will be your earned amount (minus the 3rd parties fees) since you have lent the coins to the validators.


To submit a payment, you would need to initiate the request to UDA and provides a valid wallet address. UDA then conducts a wallet check to assess the risk level. Depending on your risk profile and the destination wallet tier, additional documentation might be requested, as determined by risk scoring. Once all documents checks are completed and approval received from Compliance, we’ll proceed with the payment.

As previously stated, Unique seeks to be compliant with all relevant international and local AML standards as well as all-round best practices.

As such, a payment may be denied in the event a AML risk arises inclusive of when:

  1. A payment is being paid to or from a sanctioned country.
  2. There is insufficient customer due diligence or insufficient due diligence on the counterparty.
  3. The payment is inconsistent with the customer/client profile and no justifiable explanation is provided for the inconsistency.

Note that the reasons given above are non-exhaustive and each case will be considered on its own merits.